what are we going to do if trump comes for us?
fuck men, fuck dating
my 21st birthday
DAE not want to be alive but feel immense fear when in near death situations?
a guy on hinge told me he might molest me
anyone else sleep with their object of choice nearby?
i need advice on how to stay on cam for longer than an hour or two
If you could get rid of one album from their catalog, what would it be?
why do we put so much emphasis on finding a path if we’re all going to die?
how did you survive your 20s?
movies recomendations
why are so many of our direct deposits delayed?
They’ve lost it… but YOU are in charge
Project 2025
What is your current addiction?
why is it so hard to commit suicide?
how do y’all deal with people who make it seem like camming isn’t a job?
what’s the difference between selling your body and providing a service?
Does anyone have any information about Joey’s rumored/potential drug habit?
i feel so unproductive when i’m not camming
how do y’all do it? how do y’all live without the perpetual desire to end it all?
guy from hinge wants to take me on a night drive for our first time meeting, i don’t know what to do
The shine is off
How do you think things will go if Jordan were to rejoin social media soon?