What's your go to game when stoned?
My boyfriend won't stop editing her to be fat
Versi bahasa Melayu dia apa benda ek? Haha.
Do you know what the word for a word you don't know is in your target language? Might come in handy!
Siri + Apple Watch weather issue
Lunch was bussin
Passed the test. Approved as real leather.
Nasi Goreng Ayam Kunyit + Nescafe Ice
Pineapple and glass yogurt chicken :(
Can you drop your iOS18 homescreen setup so I can get inspiration?
Number Plate apa ni?
Man thrashes wife with baseball bat after finding her with another man in India. Arrested
Kambing yang aneh
1v1 baru (updated). Chinese slash malay with parang over parking dispute.
1v1 baru (updated)
Other than Perodua and Proton
Any way to restore my leather seats?
Can I smoke the sticky weed stuck to my grinder?? Should I just toss it?
Helping my mom repair her apple watch with a repair kit, did i mess up here?
1 Ultra • 4 Aesthetics
Reput otak
Who hates taugeh in their kway teow?
Stuck pls help
How do i fix my norgicool keyboard?
GBA is suddenly not working?