[UK] [PC] New player, looking for friends
New player, looking to play
How does an occasional smoker continue?
Why people backstab and complain about others
Created homelab.codes - Free Tools & Documentation from My Homelab Journey
Remake of Plex Web UI (Plexy)
gParted ate part my drive
I created Lab & Server to help provide a bit of guidance. Its still in a rough state but I hope you enjoy!
Vcenter Drive Setup explanation
How do you know if weed is for you?
Do I need to ditch ultra or what?
USW Pro Poe vs Pro Max POE
MP4 to MP4 error, wont convert
How big should plex instance be?
Missed a chance to go team Red
Do I bring something I don’t really care about?
Would you bring it back up?
Can you stop users from turning off the appliance?
How do you backup your empire?
Media server backup?
If you get a PIP, leave. No buts.
Greetings work both ways or am I over reacting?
Not much of a smiler at work
Little annoyed with my colleagues. Boss included
Microsoft Entra Hybrid Join: Not Dead Yet!