Main guns?
Which sitcom did you never find even remotely funny to begin with?
To men: do you want to receive flowers?
AITA For Telling My Girlfriend I Have Every Right To Defend My Home After Someone Started Kicking My Door In
Is a runabout a shuttle or a starship?
the americans done outsourced racism
Does anyone feel like they need to move out of the US?
Murphy’s five and dime store…
Blood of the Wild and Realism
Parents complaining about being parents
Why are warriors/fighters typically the leaders of a party, at least stereotypically
What are your Hot Takes on ST NG?
What is Tom Waits' most quintessential song?
This is why people use these unauthorized services,
Why does anyone go to large fast food chains in places where local competition exists?
At the time, was the Super Bowl Shuffle cool, cheesy, or both?
What’s an item you just had to have and then regretted? I will go first…
My brother wants to name his baby after his ex
AITA for not splitting my mom’s inheritance with my siblings
Don Jr. used homeless Greenlanders as staged “MAGA supporters” by bribing them with a hotel dinner.
What are some useful “pre iPad kid” things I can teach my soon to be child that aren’t so common anymore?
Myrtle golf bachelor party
Which sitcom character did you hate from beginning to end?
I can't see a way this is a good name. Help me convince him?
The bizarre dick-measuring of intelligence in comic books