I did TMUA partially blind without extra time. How f*ed am I?
How do I get out of home at 17? England. Kind of urgent.
AI on personal statement
do i look like i do in my phone camera or the mirror?
is it worth reapplying to oxford?
How do you figure out a rotation of meals?
My university "counsellor" told me that ADHD is caused by using mobile phones
What’s the best full time job I can get with zero work experience and zero further education?
Chemistry GCSE the worst science?
Guilty about running away from home
Having a heart attack over Cambridge
oldest Lufthansa A320 at a staggering 32 years of age!
That was a fun journey
Shaking and crying now
Worst degree at imperial
Oxford Bread @Christ Church 🍞
Anyone in the Chelmsley Wood area able to help me?
oxford all nighter
gadewch i ni gael babis cymraeg! (midwifery 4/5)
i have a tan in january
Made a calendar for the Cambridge Countdown! 🤞🏼
Needing to get a job in 6th form
What's something that's widely known about your city and something that's not known at all and where do you live?
Which city do you think is the most depressing looking in the UK?