Am I the weird one?
Jet fuel can’t melt ______.
edited th ui elements to make this kustom theme for my phone
Choo Choo
Guys do I look cute?
What is this?
My 2 year build (upvote if you want i prob wont get any)
Who knew you could paint that far into the future?
What would your age be backwards?
Holy guacamole! Thats a lot of money!
dude its just a small paragraph just read it , its not that hard
found corrupt mods today
Idk what to title this. I’m pretty sure you get the point if you’re on this sub.
Did you hear _____ resigned?
What happened to my portal?
Just saw this when I was building
eat my a___
Bro stole my pics and posted it on discord💀 (it got into the ''featured builds'' of this server)
He changed opinions a bit too fast
You should _____ your girlfriend
I had a stroke reading this
If Trump and Biden had a baby, what would it be called?
I swear I only watch Neko Neko highschool cuties for the ____