Assume me based on my music taste
Pick one song from each album
What’s one line of dialogue or a phrase that you picked up from KOTH that you use regularly?
All of the Emo albums I've listened to
how old were u when u got into tyler
What’s the oldest album rollout you remember?
I’m With You or Unlimited Love?
Was this video worth your time?
keep 8, delete the rest, can you make a perfect album?
Who's playlist are you listening to?
i DESPERATELY NEED recommendations bc i physically cannot expand out to any genre other than rap/hiphop. These are probably some of my favorite albums (mostly in order but some arent)
my favorite albums of all time
recommend me albums based on my all time!
You have only $20, what are you buying to keep forever?
Instead of a 10 song dream setlist, what would be the worst 10 song set?
ug slushy fans ?
Tell me your top 5 trav songs?mine are these in this order 1)DYSTI 2)90210 3)MY EYES 4)NIGHTCRAWLER 5)MARIA IM DRUNK
Name an artist who has a better/equally as good 4 album run.
What lyrics are this for you?
Albums I’ve been OBSESSED with recently. Which is your favorite one here?
If you could force tyler to make a music video of a song what would it be
nah why she get cooked like that 😭😭
Is there really a bad Green Day album?
in need of hip hop recs!!