an all timer ghost penalty for the ages
“sorry guys, my finger slipped”
Why does the waterfalls at Kaufmann Stadium look like Plastic Sheeting?
Rebeccas relationship with Warren is gross and inappropriate
The writers totally cheated us… And they totally cheated Rena.
Minor league park elevations listed in order below!
I finally stopped dropping my PCI…
Alright Mr. soundsystem, drop the new single and announce the album, ain’t got all day now bud
This basically defines my 23 experience all year 1,400k hrs played worth
HUT IS Unplayable.
Do you still play the show after baseball season is over or move onto other games
How does one play defense in this game ?
World of Chel MAJOR oversight for customization.
Will NHL 24 make small quality of life changes to Be a Pro?
A man defeated after dropping a line drive
Any word on a fix for friends list bug??
The only flaw in the lore of Jimmy McGill
Is there any chance we could get a boycott HUT movement going?
Not that it’s a huge deal but it’s just another EA has gotten lazy with in NHL23.
Why is the Club Finals not played in the arenas with a playoff atmosphere?
ReVamp Raid buffs and debuffs
Weird that the only place you can’t land in the tower is the hangar
How is strand going to have a solid identity? So far it looks to be just "does green damage".