People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
What are you sick of people trying to convince you is great?
Any good movies about hidden and/or subterranean places like passages, caves, tunnels WITHOUT supernatural creatures?
What’s a life hack so good you almost don’t want to share it?
Kábítószer pszichés hatása az agyra?
Instead of wrapping the fork in a napkin and putting it in his backpack, by boyfriend bends it so that it fits into the Tupperware his lunch was in. I was speechless upon discovery.
Speechless after " Memoir of a Snail"
Mi az az illat vagy szag ami egyből felidézi a gyermekkorodat és milyen emlék kötődik hozzá?
Recommend me movies based of some of my favorites:
Tell me your favourite movie. (Anything goes)
Got a new parrot!
Szeretnék egy nosztalgiaáradatot elindítani így, év végén,de nem 2024nek,hanem a 80, 90,2000es évek gyerekkori emlékeinek tisztelegve?
I grew up Orthodox Jewish, AMA
I committed suicide and I am in hell...
Oil pulling (with coconut oil)??? Tongue scraper? Water pick?
Best movies about old people?
What's the most ridiculous thing your parrot is afraid of?
I was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2007, and have been on dialysis for most the last two decades, and have been clinically dead 4 times. AMA.
I have been clinically dead twice AMA
I’m a psychologist in a maximum security prison for the criminally insane. AMA.
Csernus Imre: Izzanak a segélyvonalak, a pszichiátriai osztályok dugig vannak
Movies where the female lead get out of tragic life
What is something you grew up thinking it was normal but found out just how weird it bad it was?
Looking for a good war movie
Your favourite wholesome movies?