Full Sharps Bin
Cheese plant help
The other sub...
Where do you get your pens?
Has anyone purchased 12mg recently and can you recommend any suppliers with good deals/offers please except med express TIA🙂
Advice for re-fixing a curtain rail
Losing more than 20% of your body weight?
Zava price matching?
Chipped tile - nail polish?
Chat with GP about Mounjaro
Best tariff with kids who need energy 4-7pm?
30 day limit
Export tariffs - prices?
Anyone used Medicine Marketplace?
Recommendation for switching to less expensive provider - trustworthy
Any other 5th dosers also having no problem with the pens?
I know there’s a difference but… is there a difference?
Everything going wrong in new house
Is this Mounjaro Fake ?
Anyone Else Notice How Much Younger People Look in After Photos
Chocolate Needs!
Plateau making me miserable!
Hanging a punchbag on a brick wall
What’s the best filler option to avoid cracking after paint on MDF?
Where is the cheapest place to buy materials for a house renovation