Is It Worth Playing PoE 2 Seasons If I Always Feel Stuck With a Mediocre Character?
Um, GGG? What is this??
Some of y’all drinkin da wata
My heart was pounding
True or False: The ground in front of my character is passable terrain
Apus, for the love of ******* GOD!!!!
2000 RPM Rapid Shot Pathfinder
Atlas Map Fiery Circle
Is this a scam attempt? A bit paranoid
I mean, I literally went for a quick toilet break, the attitude of a new player...
If the top side of the tree was balanced like the bottom side
The corpses in the tower show the direction of the next citadel, the closer to the center the closer the citadel, in my case there are 2 very close in the north, which also happened
Van Dijk surprised by fact about Dutch Premier League winning captain
PSA: Wulfsbane is an extremely powerful item few people know about.
Can anyone explain why the breach map isn't clickable? The connected map is completed
Crazy interaction with another player
I don't think I will ever get my 3rd and 4th ascendancies, the trials are just so painful to do.
No hype, PoE2 is now my favorite game.
All of my friends quit POE2 already because endgame simply isnt fun. (all have 2k-10k hours). A lot of the systems are a downgrade.
Will $GME close above $30 today (Friday 12/20)? Simple yes or no will do.
Just got to maps and realized it's been a while since I've checked my character sheet. This is fine, right?
Plz GGG this is not Fun to run
I'm sure it is because we're so spoiled by GGG, but seems a bit odd they have been completely silent since the last patch aside from stash tab sale scheduled post