Just realizing these cards tell a story about a Swablu being adopted and raised by a flock of Wingull
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
When you least expect it
A dog owners most relatable card
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
My neighbor idles his diesel truck for an hour every morning and fills my apartment with exhaust fumes. He knows he's doing it and told me to 'man up'
Naked dude terrorizing people in NYC
Pocket sized Code Veronica
New Pokemon Pocket Cards. Wow.
Purchased this off tcgplayer as LP. Am I wrong for thinking it’s closer to MP?
Happy when the Porygon line gets some love
My sleepy page
My snooze page
Crazy find in the wild today. All have all 60 packs.
First ever chase pack from a Walmart mystery box
Bring back scary pokemon cards. Share your spookiest.
There are some cards I wish were real
It’s happeningggggg
Was looking through my childhood collection and found this gem
What should I name him?
Seller is asking for $100, fair deal? Is this card legit?
your boss asks what happened respond in 4 words
Is this legit?