Give me an autism scale from 0 to 10
The entire collection as of 2025
Am I the only one who finds this…really weird?
W:TNC Does it get better?
You're telling me MadeMeSmile has posts about people being themselves and being happy? Unsubbed!!
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided writer didn't like the ending either: 'Nothing is resolved'
Canada in South Park
I ranked every* Weezer song!
My experience switching to Console from PC
What is your top 5 FPS of all time? (Here's mine)
Back when you were a teenager you filmed yourself masturbating. Now, as a grown up you still have the footage. Can you go to prison for child pornography?
What's your favourite "barely uploads, but it's a banger every time they do" channel?
Can we admit, that anyone who says the actor portraying Thanos is terrible is just blatantly lying.
Name a sequel or follow up that is better than the original
Have you had Sex yet?
JU cs of influx of 4chan users
Sad Meme
i ranked gorillaz albums on their cover art
An Immersive Life is a Peaceful Life
Your least favorite game in a series you otherwise love?
King should’ve been on the standard release of Red
fetish or autism. call it.
Which game soundtrack got you doing this:
Fits the Thief trilogy pretty well too
Honestly? This meme fits very well for inFAMOUS
"She looks the same"