What’s your 5th pocket knife?
My parents would buy me odd toys. I got Capsela one year. I never met another kid that had any.
Who loves this incredible Movie from 1989?
This fudge my wife’s friend made
Lazy Christmas Eve morning
Toe beans
In need of tuxies. Bad anxiety today where I feel like I did something wrong. Pics much appreciated.
Acid washed Cruwear
Can someone put a top on me please. Will tip 15 buckaroos
What’s your Thanksgiving carry?
New scales and hardware day!
Forced patina on Cruwear
do any of you own this knife?
This guy actually rules
MAGA patriot meltdown
Sharing some pics of our smallest b&w son, Lemmy 🖤
Finally completed this beast.
How do you remember which one is Patty and which one is Selma?
Input please, can’t decide what knife to match with this kylo ren bead
Building my first Commander deck
Do your tuxedos also never leave you alone? 🤣
Rest in peace Ozzy 💔
Guys, what price do you think the knife I made can be sold for?
NSD - Flytanium scales on my PM3 work knife.