Aquarius, we treat every 1 on 1 conversation like a top secret .
Tips on transitioning from chest to head
I heard soemone say trauma-induced ASD today and almost gave birth to kittens. Who came up with this?
Do I have any stelliums?
What's your dinosaur name? 🦕🦖
it’s good to be a deaf doggo 🎆 HNY!
The quinoa conundrum
Happy new year everyone
2025 is ours for the taking...
Serious advice needed: I need help with my situation
Wha the Aquariusess get for Christmasss?🎄
Merry Christmas
Where do I look when I’m walking towards someone?!
What’s a game-changing insight your therapist casually dropped during a session that completely shifted how you see things?
Anyone else feel helpless when their rent is raised?
What's your favorite lyric of all time?
Racist asks Canadian to go Back to India because he doesn’t look “Canadian.” Racist dies inside when she realizes the Canadian can speak French and she can’t.
Dogs and ficus trees
Do you attract your Venus sign?
✨️ tell me your sign and what signs raised you
Which sun/moon sign? 🖤☕️
Cancer Placements ♋️ (11/12)
What temperature do you take of the dog booties for walks?
what signs are you most drawn to?