It's been 10 days since I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled. Is it safe to smoke weed yet?
I got 4 wisdom teeth pulled 10 days ago. Is it safe to smoke marijuana?
I got 4 wisdom teeth removed exactly 7 days ago. Can I smoke marijuana now?
So it's been 72 hours since I've had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out. Am I still at risk for dry sockets if I vape or smoke?
Do I have to abstain from weed before getting my wisdom teeth out?
Read this if you got your wisdom teeth out and want to smoke
It do be like that
Telsa's Elon Musk smokes weed, sips whiskey on Joe Rogan's podcast
I’m at a complete [10]
My gravity bong won't hit
Seth Rogen's gravity bong
Flatbush Zombies new album is so good when you're baked [7]
New Flatbush Zombies album out today!!!
LPT: Crown is really fucking good when you're baked.
Best songs to smoke to and listen to while your baked?
Can you make edibles with honeycomb cereal and cinnamon toast crunch?
Mac Miller is really good to listen to high {9]
Is The Gun Control Act of 1968 that prohibits anyone from possessing guns if they use or are addicted to cannabis, a moral law with what we know about cannabis in 2017?
Alright I took a 15 mg edible like a half-hour ago and I barely feel anything. How long does an edible take to kick in?
Trip Report: Got closer with some people, contemplated life, and had a few ego-deaths
Currently tripping, what is there to do indoors solo
Images to trip!
Just finished my first time (120 ug) and it was amazing