if you can't prove a point without looking through here you ain't got a point >:^)
is there a mod that adds x8 or even more speed?
CMV: Red note being used instead of tik tok is good.
It’s 0-3-5 NOT 5-3-0!
Headless 6-string basses with regular fretboards?
Regen Shields should have 30 HP Max instead of 25.
How are this band not massive?
Who thought this was a good design for a shirt?
The lighter present in the RECKONING cinematic and the one in Tejo's possession are quite similar
Is Tejo overpowered? (in your opinion)
Is the headphone "hobby" anything more than aesthetics?
5-string sets that has a high C instead of a low B?
Think I actually got scammed?
I don't know what I expected using Ankh.
Would my sense of fashion be considered a sin and is it okay for me to love fashion in general?
Rectifier reissue is official
Could flex slots and urns being the main reason why teams get stomped?
Why did Valve add the loadout system?
Is it true Wood TV8 Meteorologist Bill Steffen is a climate denialist and a conservative
The fact that there isn't a replay system in Valorant makes no sense
'Boomstick', clear camps faster, peel off enemies and more shmovement!
I've been seeing this version of the health bar in gameplay videos for a long time now. How do I put this version of the health bar into my game?
Deadlock has stuns, which makes me believe even more that the Sandman nerf was unnecessary.
Since we now know that there's a Team A through E, and since Team F stands for Team Fortress, what do you think the other teams stand for?