Might have overdone it a little with that overclock... Not Opened
Thought I failed the run but did a frontflip
Annoying "Collaborate on "_______"? You will collaborate as ____"
How to see the regional top?
someone's computer crashed
My computer crashed
I almost marked this NSFW
Seasoning / condiments?
That's a big path
Feeling discouraged
Met a dude on hardware swap to buy a 4090 and he brought me Indian food too!!
An ethical dilemma
We don't restrict butter and ghee...
What do you eat 99% of the time?
Your meat options
How much food do you eat per day?
iOS browser recommendations?
Did you in macOS, if you drag the selected text and drop it on the desktop, it will be saved as a text clipping that you can refer to later?
Representing, fully wireless PC. Parts needed: 1. Power Cord (Optional)
Shoutout to the carnivore diet for building me this beautiful back
You’re perfect for job! But also fuck you, no offer
"Manage to Get 1 FPS in Your Game and We'll Take it From There"
Update on my Holden age texture pack