Why are so many people on Carnivore hostile to ketogenic carnivore?
Last month's sheep, 35kg (already ate it:)
Study about our history eating megafauna until it was all hunted to extinction
Lion diet expensive
We don't restrict butter and ghee...
I find myself naturally avoiding eggs and just sticking to meat, any similar experiences?
How much food do you eat per day?
What this is
Interesting reaction from r/carnivorediet
This community is toxic
Arthritis got worse on carmivore
Day two of carnivore. Here are my meal pics so far"
What do you eat 99% of the time?
Hilarious meal with Hadzabe Tribe
Dr. Zsofia Clemens - Autoimmune Disease: Root Causes & Reversal Using PKD (Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet)
Fuck avocado
Steak of Whale with whipped sour cream and Parmesan, and eggs with salted butter
Has anyone managed Ankylosing Spondylitis with this diet?
Why I started this subreddit
Desperate for help
Any self sufficient communities here ?
This sub since new year...
You are welcome here: r/realcarnivore
Carnivore 3 months, Eczema has gotten much worse (Lion Diet questions)
Carnivore (5 types) vs Animal Based