NATSAP Conference 2025.
The DeSisto School (Stockbridge, MA) - Employee Handbook, September 2002
Has anyone developed medical issues as a result of constant chronic stress inside the TTI?
Update from a former employee at Roots Transition (Park City, Utah), owned by private-equity backed Family Help & Wellness
What is reportedly happening at Roots Transitions, owned by Family Help & Wellness, plus other FHW intelligence updates.
Yeah, the troubled teen industry is so not a cult (Sarcasm)
Wilderness staff are deeply misinformed.
How much do TTI companies charge
IT'S A Cult TTI Australia
Pregnant at a TTI?
medical records problem
Memo for the TTI: “Pope says anyone who exploits or abuses a child answers to God” (specifically regarding CHILD LABOR)
Chelsea F and Katie M keep trying to have people's kids taken
I don’t know how to feel about any of it
*International Transport Training* w/ Heather Hayes (last year in Dallas, TX) – (Learn how to kidnap children!)
"Incarcerated Youth Firefighters" "48 hour shifts"?!?!
Idek what to title it? I didn’t realize how much my ptsd has affected me
Bloom a place for troubled girls
Why Wilderness? With Judi Robinovitz / Score At The Top (Boca Raton Florida) – Part 1
youth of vision academy Jamaica
I don't want my son to go to a TTI, but we aren't safe with him at home. Please help.
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Embark Experience
NATSAP is making it perfectly clear they don’t give a flying f*ck what’s actually happening in programs
My friend who’s still in Telos U is being sent to wilderness which is a tragic mistake. How do I stop this?