Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread
Program I can do with my new to weightlifting wife
Wife new to weightlifting lifting
Battery jumper/inflator
Battery jumper/tire inflator
ADHD without the "H"
Top 3 🏆
Men: Here are some sex tips
Roast Me
Someone here gave me the idea of wearing AirPods Pro to sleep. It’s genius!
Which OBS would you keep
How to naturally increase attention span
What’s your favorite indoor cardio ?
Supplements to take occasionally for sexy time
What is your favorite Led Zeppelin song?
[TOMT][SONG] Sexy guitar riff usually in funny scenes in movies
What's one really thing that sounds really crazy but actually works?
Keeping it classy on 28s
Sal’s Beverage World, Villa Park, IL
6 weeks PO results
Paw Licking
A stack has changed my OCD life within a week. NAC or placebo?