Which muscle is this and how to build it?
Ida Bjerkeskaug is a Norwegian painter that has made an art piece of US politics
Why isn't there a microwave in every building?
why did arnold schwarzenegger not pull 10s
anyone else literally depressed over this election and inauguration
Gave my Tesla Model 3 a clear salute today after selling it to a dealer in Perth, Australia.
A different POV
Thank you, Joe Biden!
Why is Marino so horribly crowded this semester?
Any caffeine drinks in Snell Library vending machines?
Which Bodybuilder Had The Most Intense Workouts?
My girlfriend of 10 years cheated on me, had affairs with two guys, got pregnant, and had an abortion—now she wants to talk, but I’m avoiding her. What should I do?
What flavor is the best
Approaching Trump’s inauguration, Northeastern students express concerns for the future over immigration policies and inflammatory rhetoric.
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Want to port to T-mobile after phone's lock-in period ends
A girl I know has been giving hints she is not interested in me. I really like her a lot. Should I confess my feelings for her anyway so I can move on without regrets?
will i lose muscle if i dont get enough protein?
For skull crushers, where do you keep the bar for easy lift-off?
We need more Smith machines in Marino
Possible to build enormous triceps without any pushing movements?
What is better for building deltoids, seated DB presses, standing barbell military presses or seated Smith machine presses?
In which ways is a machine hack squat inferior to a barbell squat for muscle growth?
In love with a girl but haven't told her yet. Already getting negative hints. Should I tell her?