AIO for telling my boyfriend I’m done after he said I’m crazy for thinking this test is positive?
"I've waited thirty years for this day.", I told my father as I took his hand and led him forward.
If you could give every human one thing, what would it be?
AIO my husband’s friend said what I think are inappropriate things to my daughters
Is there an age where you think you just wouldn’t care to masturbate anymore ??
I was the 'Lady' 😂
You always told me how much you loved Christmas and how special it was tou you.
Am I wrong for asking my gf of 1 month for a paternity test
I'm being hunted
Something that happened in my past is troubling me 25F
If they like you, you'll know.
My son was found dead this morning, and on the note that was found, he blamed it on the psychological abuse I put him through.
introducing monty! (govt. name montana)
Just got dumped and I’m a little shell shocked
AIO: snapping at my gf after funeral so she got Tinder?
On the 18th day of advent, the young girl opens the corresponding door labelled "18" and grins at the treat inside.
The lingerie clad wife asked her husband "how can I make you happy?"
"I have never known a love like this," the man croaked quietly.
AIO or really, is my boyfriend overreacting. He is mad at me for not having a threesome yet
Is it annoying when a girl is physically clingy?
What's your favorite type of cheese?
Do obvious boob jobs look good?
Traditional Makeup Done on me versus my natural face.
Why are so many people choosing not to have kids anymore?