It’s 1988 and you’re headed to the dealership- what are you going home with?
Does anyone have experience with these? Seems like too good of a deal to pass up.
The two kings of AR stocks,have a CTR & will use a B5 for my next build. Between the two which do you prefer?
Finally Received Black Friday Order (and finished my build)
Switching to a p365X (pawnshop find)
Are 26s for Fudds? Why is the 43x so much more popular?
Don't need no flip ups round here
Should I sell my G2C and buy a G3C to replace it?
Hellll yeah!
Subcompact 2.0 on that Monsoon
Psa dagger vs Ruger rxm (battle of the clones)
Someone is very excited to to go coyote hunting
Roast my 2010 Liberty on 32” tires
I heard we like ACOGs and FSPs here?
Armageddon sighting
help me decide
Thanks PSA for my 10.5. One to run, one for fun. Wanna repaint both. Any thoughts?
Gen 3 or Gen 4 or Gen 5?
Roast me all you want they're mine and im happy.
The most important thing when choosing gun parts is whether it makes you happy
What car do I drive? You guys really liked the post with my dad who looks like borat, so here’s his son.
Rip in
How many of you carry Maglites?
Replaced Transmission 10 days after driving off the lot. Broken 3 rims already. 1 year of ownership and still obsessed with it. Roast away.
PlebeianAR Final Boss