What's a problem only attractive people have?
Growing up did you really have to shower naked after sports at school?
Songs about Nuclear War or The Apocalypse.
What song has the best opening lyric?
Favorite episode of MST3K?
Favorite episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000?
What album would you recommend for someone who cant really get into the beatles?
I want some lesser known rock music - female lead
What’s the best protest/political song(s) of all time?
Are there any less famous 60s/70s bands you’d recommend?
Favorite popular "One hit wonder" song where the artist has a solid discography?
There's a zombie apocalypse and the first item on your left is your weapon, what is it?
Donald Trump Just 'Technically' Violated the Law—Lindsey Graham
Which Neil Young albums are worth giving a listen?
Why were these Beatles songs cut?
Songs about wanting to be seen by someone / looking for signs
What’s a band or artist that everyone seems to love but you just can’t get into?
Best song off With the Beatles?
Name a song you like that you completely understand why someone else would despise
Songs that make you sit back and think “man, my life isn’t that bad”
Ugliest Photo?
What’s the best thing you ever did for your mental health?
What great album did you rediscover in 2024?
Warning Songs. Songs that warn you not to do something.
Songs that have Beatles’ vibes?
What’s on your “Must read at least once” list?