So medicated ladies, is your home clean? do you feel good? do you feel like less of a shitty excuse of a person now you are medicated?
Strattera 😱
So they just made a sexbot they selling as "branding" and "marketing"... c'mon
What sort of pleco do you think this is?
How is the trim for this sort of upholstery attached?
Need help with stink bugs!!
Easiest way to clean the shed roof without a pressure washer?
Supercut of drones over Bergen County, NJ ranging from 12/13-12/23
Can somebody remove the person all the way on the right?
Too much Christmas Dinner
Fiber heavily reduces your hunger levels, and there’s a little secret to get a ton of it for very few calories
Someone sent me this image, cant figure out what it is
Baby Transfer
US Air Force Veteran Matthew Nelson: A clear sighting of what looks like a large golden orb hovering near New Jersey. This does not look like any drone. Fighters scrambled. "We noticed an extremely bright glowing orb in the sky."
Wow. Just wow. Shark River Webcam NJ
Drones over PA
Is a discus biotope easier to keep than a non-discus planted tank?
Please help, I think I’m going to throw up!
(AIO) update, wow. thank you!
"Set an alarm on your phone"
Vibration plate
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
I think I'm wearing my unprocessed grief
Fasting, bloating, and hunger