Magic Bubble Wand Quest
Absolute unit of a dog
Which YouTube channels (with fewer than a million subscribers) make content you look forward to every time?
Aurora, watercolour and pencil on A4 paper
Comment with your favorite breakfast food for the key
Hey Reddit, what’s the weirdest/worst object that has ever been thrown at you?
What Youtube channel is worth binging?
3D printed keyfob, Nov 2015 vs Jan 2018
Divorce lawyers of Reddit, what is the weirdest thing people have fought over?
Everybody on reddit is a bot except for you.
Thanks! I hate it.
What obscure reference do you hope some one will get?
People who ordered something, but received the wrong order what did you get instead?
Which shitty movie gets your 10/10 rating?
What do you think will be the trendy overused Halloween costume this year?
What soundtrack is better than the movie it was made for?
As an adult, what books in your high school curriculum were actually worth reading?
In the format of "Roses are red, Violets are blue", what are your weekend plans?
Important information that may save your life
What *shouldn't* you and your significant other have in common?
What is always worse when it is homemade?
What is your go-to "deep discussion" question to really pick someone's brain about?
Which TV-series do you consider a true masterpiece?
[NSFW] What is the wierdest fanfiction you have ever read?