Thoughts on the new Yeezy merch drop?
Even more items
Im not Tony im Victor
I'm new to reddit but I just dont get it. Kendrick is very famous and Im sure quite busy. Why does he spend so much time posting all of these?
If this guy can bag Beyonce then you can bag your crush
RIP mods
Thank you Kanye
Everyone should support Kendrick and buy the iTunes
Throwback to whatever the fuck this was during a V2 lp
enough time has passed
do it!!!
Something big is coming, place your bets
That feeling when you play on switch/playstation 😭😭😭
what y'all think carti was looking at in this picture?
I've just started to listen to this genre, there are any albums y'all can recommend to me considering that I've only listened to Pocket park and PACIFIC?
is it just me or is it just hard to get into cartis rollout bc how many fake outs he’s had
Giorno 31 nel creare una tier list sui creatori di contenuti italiani. Chiedetemi sotto nei commenti chi valutare ed io lo farò con la richiesta più upvotata e con altre 3 richieste casuali
More than 75,000 people are in attendance for tonight’s speech, according to the Harris campaign.
Lucca comics berserk
Let's pretend that Bully just drop, What are your thoughts on it?
Just got a 3DS XL. Which Pokemon game is your favorite?
P. Diddy in pokemon