Weekly Writer's Check-In!
Have you ever found one of your characters in the wild?
Should I write first or revise my outline?
Off the top of your head, what's your favorite sentence you've ever written? Context only if people ask. I'll go first:
What is one fantasy character others hate(don't like?) but u are biased towards, I'll go first.
Siblings by pepper xu
What do your characters like? (Prompt)
Roose Bolton and Fat Walda by anahida
Sayur lodeh jerman dengan roti, keju & anggur putih
What is something that, when you read it, makes it clear the author has no experience with said group/location/activity/(other thing)?
Is there any high/epic fantasy with cheerful characters?
Lost and not sure where to start
Do you ever have dreams involving your characters?
On December 3rd, 2023 I started to write. Today I've got a 5 book publishing contract
Translation of fantasy novels
What's a series you stopped liking after RE-reading it?
Which two names do you like from the list down below?
Best fantasy TV series? Looking for recommendations
Which fantasy stereotype is a guilty pleasure for you?
Books You Enjoyed When You Gave Them A Second Chance
I'm at my wit's end. How do you guys managed to create a map?
What’s y’all’s favorite fantasy trope?
How detailed/fleshed out is your worldbuilding before, during, after your writing?
Explain your main character in three words or less
What is your main characters theme song?