Can Dogs Follow TV?
AITH For asking my boyfriend is I can dogsit over his birthday?
AITA for not allowing my children to call my mother “Honey”
Before cell phones how did u get in touch with people out and about?
What other word/words can be used instead of the word "Trauma"?
If assholes have negative interactions with everyone , why don’t they change?
AITA for making my bf split expenses 50/50
Growing up did you really have to shower naked after sports at school?
How do I ensure my husband inherits the house?
What to do when feeling “under the weather” during work
Are there any examples of a crucial employee leaving a company for an extremely trivial reason that has directly lead to the collapse of that company?
Anyone else get upset with the ads which target seniors?
How do you approach retirement planning with your partner? Especially if you earn more and/or they are not interested in FIRE
My fiancé gambled away 20k 10 months before our wedding
Should I give notice, or just tell them to get f**ked?
Getting a tattoo
M39 & F42 separating but planning to still live together. Can this work?
How is Elon Musk not cancelled yet because of his latest unhinged behaviour of doing a nazi salute twice in the White House while on stage?
WIBTA if I divorce my husband?
Does anyone else get upset at seeing all the target ads for "old" people?
Can working out actually help boost self-confidence and help reduce depression?
What thing did you NOT do or learn when you were young that you now wish you had done?
Anyone else having trouble jumping back into the saddle after the inauguration?
AITA for strictly following the visitation plan instead of letting my ex have extra time with our son?
Why isn't my husband affectionate anymore?