My overgrown chapel ⛪️🐦⬛🍃
Does anyone else feel hopeless about the future, EVEN if there is a cure?
My campsite 🌸🌲👒🧸
The anguish and frustration I felt over one innocent question
It feels impossible to move on from grief when you're trapped in bed/at home with nothing but your thoughts
Top 10 Songs From 'S' Artists
Top 10 Songs From 'R' Artists
Does it show on your face
What was your most obscure artist last week?
Take: Since Pocket Camp is now a pay-to-play game, I would want Nintendo to import the New Horizons clothing system for villagers into Pocket Camp, allowing us more customization.
My camper, cabin and campsite!
Date Range - what does yours look like?
Who are your most listened to artists of the last 365 days?
Top 10 songs from 'M' artists
Not sure what to title this
I made this a few years ago, before I’d even heard of cptsd
Top 10 songs from 'L' artists
Facial Moisturizer Recommendations
Songs about being left, ableism
My 2024 10x10 chart
Luigi Mangione Was Fixated on ‘Brain Fog’ and Other Health Symptoms - WSJ
Corn Poppy Blommor Dolls
do these doors actually do anything?
At what age did you develop CFS? and are you mild/moderate/severe/vsevere?
Not being believed
Pop boy getting way less hot for being a Musky fanboy