Looking for tips how to make it look nicer (28M + daughter)
Vrienden in Amersfoort
25M - Nieuwe vriendschappen in Amersfoort
First time panel lining, looking smudgy. What can i do to improve?
Logical upgrade path
Rune Dragon Altimate Ironman - Trailer
Low LvL but Experienced
Racing the River down Logan Canyon
I just smoked on an antidepressant will I die?
Does Citalopram 10 mg already have a therapeutic effect?
Cyberpunk Movie Countdown to Release: Day 21 - Blade Runner (1982)
Gentlemen, am 30 working on my own endgame projects, bettering myself, people look down on me, how do I deal with this?
For people who have used the carrier method to introduce rats
Brass Zippo, bought new in 1995. One owner, 24 years. I've long since stopped smoking but I'll have the occasional pipe and Zippo sent me a free pipe insert for it. (Internationally, no less)
The Wapinschaw Gang are recruiting (PS4).............. Message me for a link to the discord
The Wapinschaw Gang is raising money for Extra-Life to support CMN Hospitals. For more info and the donation link check the description!
The Wapinschaw Gang is raising money for Extra-life to support CMN Hospitals! for more info and donation link, check the description!
The Wapinschaw Gang is raising money for Extra-Life to support CMN Hospitals! For more info and the donation link please check the description!
Our Red Dead Redemption Community is raising money for Extra-life to support CMN hospitals. For more info and the donation link, please check the description!
Our good friends The Wapinschaw PS4 team are doing a charity event for Extra Life. Please if you are free on Sunday April 14 then join their Twitch stream. It’s for a lovely cause.
Anyone who want to attend or spectate an event from our posse as a guest?
[PS4]Due to a lot of interest we have decided to open a support Discord Server! Apply for the Wapinschaw and our events here! Details in description!
[PS4] looking for a brotherhood? A community with multiple events every week? Good roleplay? The Wapinschaw Gang is here for you! (more info in description)
Armadillo Revolver drawing tournament by the Wapinschaw Gang!