Unfortunately really disappointed with my experience with Dutch healthcare
A disturbing amount of muslims is celebrating the Los Angeles fires, calling them 'Godsend' from Gaza
Landlord (F57) throws a fit after I (29M) politely back down from our conversation. My gut feeling was telling me to hold back, ended up dodging a bullet
Problem with Nepali Janta
Ex-muslims who are now Christians, why did you switch religions when Christianity is almost the same?
Ratan karki is about to get arrested, what's your thought?
funniest vid I've seen all day
Understanding of left-wing ideologies
I love ripping the quran so statifying
Trying to connect with my Nepali roots
my mom's mental illness is breaking my family apart due to a language barrier
Shram swikriti for going to US for work after completing studies?
I immediately knew this was a Muslim. Then he admitted it and went on a rant about porn and teen pregnancy in a subreddit about a book series
Pig Farm idea (lack of pork meat due to less supply but more demand)
Is what IDS said about Oli supporters being paid to comment against Balen true?[Balen vs Oli]
Trying to find this Nepali song
Highly controversial opinions you have
[New Update]: Dad stole my identity and opened 3 credit cards in my name. He told me since I'm young, I can "do without for a few years". I'm trying to buy a house and I'm freaking out
Does Nepal have an Ex-Hindu community?
How much do you have to earn in order for it to be worth staying in Nepal in your opinion?
What's something you've stopped eating because it's become too expensive?
Hey Reddit. What are the unwritten rules when visiting nude beach?
Harka Sampang is dangerous to democracy
Why do pranchanda have cults
Who is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?