What’s a discontinued snack you’ll never forget about?
What song is playing in your head when you see this?
What song is on your mind?
What’s the most horrifying death you have ever heard of?
Ladies: What nonsexual thing would make you want to bang a guy?
What movie, no matter how old, is a 10/10?
Which older names will NOT become popular again?
What's something you find attractive that most people don't?
What’s the most attractive eye colour?
What is a smell that comforts you?
what’s your perfect idea of a date?
How do you know a guy likes you?
what makes a person genuine?
What is the best smell in the world?
what’s your favourite flavour or ice cream ?
What’s one thing you love about yourself?
What is your Favourite movie Name??
What is one song which never fails to make you feel emotional?
What’s the creepiest thing you’ve ever witnessed?
What are some terrifying facts?
What are the best responses to “and what” ?
What are some crazy facts about World War One?
what's the most disgusting thing you've ever smelled?
What’s one country you have to visit before you die ?
What are some songs you recommend?