What’s your lowest HRV of all time?
Chiefs Bars?
Dangerous tattoo location?
Recommendations 🍹 🍻
Recently spotted a new Visitor at My Chipotle!
Do you understand CAT? What is he asking for?
Orlando Housing Megathread
What is 1 tip, trick, hack, or gadget that has made your travel infinitely better?
I don't know how you folks handle the traffic there in Orlando.
I fucked up
Random thoughts three weeks into a long term relationship breakup
Helping Identify the Different Parts of Orlando and what they Offer
You will make it out alive. I did.
South Florida condo owners hit with 6-figure assessments due to new Florida law
Long Live The King [Kingda Ka]
This house is just ugly.
How does the ESOP plan work? Can someone get a job there and purely get paid in stock options?
The last of the stash
Question about Trauma Reps
I (25m) get paid to regularly have sex with a woman (55f) while her husband (63m) watches.
Spoiled! Now what?
Meet the Enemy Week 17: Kansas City Chiefs
Posted to Gladstone PD's X (formerly known as twitter) yesterday
Is it bad that a play in a easier difficulty then normal
Chicago "L" overlaid on KC to scale