songs that gave you goosebumps the first time you listened to it.
Vail Resorts let's Breckenridge housing for 180 employees go without heat while temperatures reach -20°F
What is something that is incredibly common but also completely unnecessary?
What will you never ever do again in your lifetime?
Which sunset painting do you prefer, 1 or 2?
Worth the money?
Dust covers
Better FM reception with only one leg of dipole connected to Kenwood KR-5150
For which actor do you absolutely refuse to watch a movie if they are in it?
What are your top 15 Favourite Bands
What's the Most F***ed Up Movie You've Ever Seen? That One That Scarred You for Life? 😳
Recommend Dire Straits songs for me
What show did you stop watching because it got stupid or bad?
Love this band.
The good stuff....
What albums from one hit wonder bands are criminally overlooked.
Songs that would be a masterpiece except for one thing?
Would anyone be interested in a Medium publication about all things vintage audio?
Scott 350r stereo receiver
A local....
Good conspiracy, cult, secret society movie
Worth anything ? (UK)
Need some help to connect speakers to this vintage stereo
Serviced Sony STR-7045 and Sansui QR-6500 now 50%. Worth it?
Advice, insights and opinions on this local find for $1,000 USD.