Hmmm something seems off I can't put my finger on it tho
When you lose the aura for aura battle against Drip Woo
Im working on a DDLC manga focused on Natsuki & MC. If people are interested I might actually finish the whole thing. I have a patreon where I plan to post early WIPs as well so please consider joining if you wanna support me :3
Finally 900k next is joining the 1m club🗣🔥
Damn it is even scarier
where is yuri going??
Cosplay Request
This is a bucket
My DDLC Mod Tier List (either played or watched) V2 - Additions & Ranking Changes
Mods where the MC or the Dokis have children?
I lost track on how long I was playing.
There's a second "A note from your Mother" !!
Finally a10 Andre took me a hot minute to finish🔥
Spend or save?
The Routes in Doki Doki Radiant Hearts Act 1
Exit Music Redux: I'm Sorry (on Wattpad)
It's much worse
Finally 700k power on my f2p account now I can die happy🥹
I still refuse to delete Blue Skies
Rate my team
A10 in 470 pulls 🥹
How'd everyone do?
Drew a silly
thomas andre comes out tomorrow how much as you spending
Did I just use up my luck for the next 10 years with this?