Is it just me or does Harvey Elliot from Liverpool F.C this look kind of like braeden with blond-ish hair?
Everybody is talking about Nuñez (deservedly) but my oh my how I missed this fellow!
What is y’all’s HW for APUSH?
which artist from my top 30 do you listen to the most
Jedi Survivor Pink Poncho??
2024 is over! Time to vote on the biggest Smosh moment/meme/news of each month of 2024! Day Seven: July!
Please give me other bands/ artists i would like if i like these artists
Do you like Jedi survivor?
Senior Quote
What Other Bands / Artists Should I Check Out?
Guess my age, gender etc based on my top songs
Write something nice about smosh in 2024 for a video!
What 3 pills would you pick and what’s your MBTI?
thoughts on my top tracks and artists?? tell me what I am!!!
What is your favorite poncho
Amanda Booked!
Discussing Bode
Which lightsaber color best suits cal?
Am I the only one that plays as redneck Jedi Cal Kestis?
So, is the ominous floating a bug or a mere fraction of Rick the Door Technician's power?
In survivor, what stance combo do you use?
Spotify Support/Complaint Megathread
what lesson are you on as of nov 13th?
In ur opinion, what is the WORST wallows song?