Trying to find a tech co-founder
I have an idea with fund
Potential Technical cofounder said he doesn’t think the product can be built
Sure, perfect LinkedIn pic
Somebody call his ass
Life without Devgel...
Take care before capturing a knight
Can I upload this chat on Reddit 👀
چُرَیل لگتی ہو
Which team do you think is going to win?
Dora the explorer
What do I do in this position? (I'm white)
If this gets 8 upvotes I will literally google اون باسانت
When you're teaching nephews how to play chess and the very first lesson is en passant.
Is sy keya hoga ?
Every value I've held has been questioned... and I'm loving it.
When you wright a 500 lines of code and exit without saving it.
First GoPro
Bought a Hero 12… and 48hrs later, ate shit and broke the screen.
Is the Hero Session (2015) the smallest GoPro?
VGA to Type C
Avg salary for Web developer
That feeling when the seller sends you the wrong size 😞
AMA with Abe, GoPro's Sr. Creative Director + HERO13 Black Giveaway!