Offer: It's my Cake Day so I'm giving away 5 x USD$100 (PayPal only)
How do I manage my hair??
How to fix my hair??
I’m live streaming!
Going to be streaming!
28F, tried to take the advice from last time?
What is this?? In the kitchen of my new apartment. It’s small and looks like brass?? I’m not sure what it is for.
Want to build your credit? Try Ava!
I’m live!
Streaming again tonight:)
I’m streaming!
Am I a Warm Autumn?
[OC] Giveaway! 5E Rule-Integrated GM Play Pad/Mouse Pad! [Mod Approved]
What are your tips for frugal living in Birmingham?
Should I start streaming??
What’s your first impression of me?
27F, reuploaded for verification
27F, who is my doppleganger?
27F, posted here awhile back. Did I improve any?
27F, How can I improve my looks? I feel plain Jane.
What men in Hollywood have had plastic surgery?
Need Hair Color Advice
I can't fucking do this anymore
Blindside breakups have to literally be the worst form of breakups, psychologically and emotionally.