How do author's scandals affect your reading of their work?
Storm being powerful is the most boring aspect about her
Are you guys happy with the current "Horror Hulk" theme? Or would you rather see the Hulk in a different kind of series, maybe sci-fi or traditional superhero?
What does everyone think of hickman and ribics aliens vs avengers
the incal and class divide
anybody else loving the current hulks covers
are there any plus size female characters you guys know in any comics? I only know of faith and big Bertha.
I think what makes starman such a great book is it doesn't focus heavily on superhero fare (Starman issue 5 1994) [Discussion]
Is there any FUN hulk books?
who else loves the demon bear saga
from nod away volume 1
femme - centered reading
Best arcs for a beginner?
What does Image Comics do different from Marvel and DC?
anyone else dislike Tom kings writing (Mister Miracle issue 5 2017,art by Mitch Gerads)
Secret Six resurgence
why are they doing random mcu synergy
Who is excited and anticipated for "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe One Last Time"?
Dororo was recently adapted into a scfi comic, kinda a futuristic post ww2 world
clowes does scfi, but really it's just about a pathetic man
if you want a juvenile comics this'll be your thing, more fun than the boys
does anyone else like john ridley's black panther
what should be the new ultimate titles
what did you think of cate's and kliens thor run