is anyone else capable of romantic feelings (crushes), but has trouble in the sexual department?
What is the mantra you live by?
Gedanken eines Ende 50ers
Husband of UK royal took own life after ‘adverse effects of medication’
What would instantly destroy your life just by doing it once?
Borkum ist kein Einzelfall. Während der Krampusläufe in Österreich und Bayern ist es normal Frauen und Mädchen windelweich zu prügeln. Hier eine Zeitungsmeldung von heute und danach Erfahrungsberichte. Mehr in den Kommentaren.
Gute Podcasts - was hört Ihr?
PSSD has given me health anxiety
13 Years of Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) - Daryl's Story - Moral Medicine
My update (irrelevant) with this condition
Thoughts on the PSSD Subreddit
And it took me 9 years to realise why it was so underwhelming when I finally did it for the first time
Wer hat die Straßen in dieser Nachbarschaft benannt
New French PSSD article (marie france)
What is your favourite name starting with C for a girl?
Kickl 🤝 Orban
Na servas
Masturbation doesn't feel like a chore anymore
Going to see Dr. Goldstein
Is the DSM BS? Genuinely wondering about this?
How much money do you think we need to solve this?
Partial sensation recovery
Wie pendel ich jz am gscheitesten über stp nach wien in den 20.?
I had SFN test and corneal confocal microscopy and everything came back normal