Most hated faction to fight against in singleplayer
Do you have games on your phone
Would you like Orion/Ariel to get the Vlad/Isabella treatment
I'm definitely risking an STD for her
Great meme much content 🗿
I interpreted it like this, but if it's not like this I accept it.
Happy Holidays from the new OW heroes of 2024!🎄 by Breikka!
Average Azerbaijani male from Baku in his 20s Starter Pack
My mother hasn't noticed it yet
Might as well just make it a movie at this point
Drumpfs masterplan
Who do you think is the worst LL in the game?
Unlikely Allies (By HermeticHormagaunt)
Favourite/Strongest spell caster lords?
Based Columbus
Malakai campaign - is it hard enough?
Boyars getting more armor than Empire Generals ?
Wood elf or high elf?
The Battle of the Strongest
Best faction for Wood Elf Immortal Empires run? (Relatively new player)
He knows they will be visiting Texas in a couple of months.
Kiriko, why you tryin not to laugh bruh
DanDaDan Characters as 2010s American High School Students