3rd year motivation + depression
MSPI Results Accuracy
Can someone explain Nicotinic and Muscarinic like I'm a child?
Which is harder? Uworld or AMBOSS?
Still worth getting if I can only be on at night?
Which Osteopathic schools accept a 491 MCAT score?
I did it!!
Does anyone else feel like ACNH is incomplete?
What is a good score in new free 120?
I finally did it!!!
BOTH the US presidential candidates got Addisons 😩
My family loves this picture of my cousin who died way too young. Can someone make her less blurry and remove the trash cans? I can tip a little bit.
How HY is this?
What did people do to feel like they had seen most things in recent history when they took the exam? Feeling anxious as exam approaches as things seems to be leaving my brain faster than I can review them
Least favorite fish to catch?
Passed on FCVS
Drop your favorite must-know tips & tricks
Lab values
June 10th test takers
Permits gone
Anyone’s permit disappear yet?
How high yield is this diagram
what made u love studying
HOW did you memorize this? Is there a sketchy?
Residents, what’s your gross salary