Getting married in 2 months, uneven brows
Are these chairs ugly enough to warrent $1400 to rent different chairs?
New to this
[34 F] Thinking it might be time for Botox? Or just love my skin for the age I am.
Texas rapper, sex offender South Park Mexican denied parole after 23 years
Snarky email response from potential artist
After 16 years being obese, right now i did it
Trying to avoid SAS by organizing
No sweating after nanoblading
baby's first show :')
lip filler for lip picking
What does my fridge tell u about me?
Microblading Artists, How do You Know Your Needles are Safe?
Why did it hurt SO BAD
My mum thinks i threw away her beans and is giving me a hard time because of it.
Is this good? I feel like it's very dark. Will it get better
Unprofessional communication with artist
Henné brow?
I feel like brooke did everything to make sure the miles thing didn’t get big
First drawing of the year
how do i fix
Waiting at icbc for a road test.
Anyone have any ideas on how to cover my throat piece?
Tried cooking chicken with teriyaki sauce and this happened