How to deal with this
Feels boring without TikTok
Tahajjud and witr prayer
You will be alone in your grave
Ways to enter Jannah
My parents doesn't let me grow a beard
Coming back to sins after repenting.
The thing about sadness...
Gift for Muslim family
Don’t loss hope in Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala
If you are thinking of sinning
Stay away from the opposite gender!!
Male with sex trauma - need advice
Dua related confusion
got groomed, are my sins still counting cause of it?
Start reciting the Quran
Is saying “Good luck” considered as shirk?
Is SpongeBob drawing halal (hear me out)
Im close to ending my life. I can’t take it anymore
Never miss your prayer!!
Stay cautious with messages
Is it a sin to hang out with your male cousin?
How can I control myself?