I made a gamingmeme
Why you should keep Hadir's Sniper Rifle in the final mission
Same lame PR corrupt journo writing.
Wait, TLOU1 folder looks like this, how do I even install it?
What i nthe flip? I have a 500mb internet connection, yet best qbit can do is 6mb?
Faz sentido?
Cod Players rn
Comprei um computador da Pichau (eu sei, eu sei). O que acham dessa config)
A verdadeira modelo dos trailers de Fable
sem palavras…
i will start playing rivals if they add femboy stroms
Macron é nazista?
Tropa de comédia 2: O palhaço agora é outro
Colette listening to Elfaria say that Will is yours and no one will take him away
What are your thoughts about these
New Wolfenstein dropping
Ladies and gentlemen, after such a long wait.....
Como a jornada começa
[Ninja Gaiden 2 Remaster] Por quê?
Good, you fucking deserved it!
For the jumping on the couch - perfect 10. 💯😍
Laranjão vai mexer no Banco Central Americano pra forçar a redução dos juros
something, something, outjerked
It should be studied how Reed Richards managed to bag Sue while doing weird stuff like that
Kkkkkkkk pode crer, é bem assim mesmo!