Squished this poor fella in my sleep (no way it's a recluse right?)
Helping Address Confusion and Misinformation from Reposters of This Viral Clip:
How to ship spiders (for dummies)?
Tigrosa helluo, (Walckenaer, 1837)
What species of Jumping spider?
What kind of wasp is this?
Anybody know what bug this is?
What is this bug, and how many legs does it have?
found this stinky in Portland, OR
Polistes exclamans, (Viereck, 1906) Shot on my phone 🤳
Found this guy outside. Is this a kissing bug? Central FL
What type of spider is this?
Phidippus cardinalis, (Hentz, 1845)
Trapdoor Building Spider That's NOT a Trapdoor?!
Any idea what kinda spider this is? Not sure if a daddy longlegs
Conura, (Spinola, 1837)
Hypocritanus fascipennis, (Wiedemann, 1830)
Trap Door Spider
What is this?
What is this, and is it still alive?
Woke up with this fella crawling on my neck… Wolf Spider?
Found on some boxes (Johannesburg, South Africa)
someone dumped a huge pleco at my neighborhood pond
Found this little friend on my kitchen.
Please help ID? Florida