Looking to switch careers and I’ve been eyeing car sales…
How to turn off subvocalizing while reading
Any desis here have a plan for DACA getting cancelled?
Is it okay to do day game at a college campus if I don't go there? (I'm 20)
Where would you live if you got deported?
What would you have done differently?
Best sales job for me?
New Update: AITA for refusing to tattoo at my cousins wedding?
How do you feel about Harris 2024?
What series is this?
Picking up leased vehicles
How do YOU generate leads?
I'm struggling, what do I do?
does He who fights with monsters get better??
Movies I can watch over and over.
Long under the radar series
Why does everyone hate Tu Jhooti Main Makkar?
If my DACA expires and job doesn't say anything, can i keep working?
I had intercourse with roughly 150 women by the age of 27. AMA.
WIBTA if I skipped my sister's wedding? (New Update)
Aita for losing my shit on my husband on the day of his family reunion?
Profile pics review
Weekly Profile Review Thread
My stats as a 29F.
Is tinder bugging out for anyone else?