If you could have talisman from elden ring in real life what would it be?
Ps5 radabeast
At what health does malenia do waterfowl?
Ps5 W: Build to kill malenia H: karma
ps5 W: varre mask and raptor black feathers H: Karma
Ps5 commander niall
Psx any boss trust i got you ez
Ps5 fire giant left gate
Ps5, for the glory of lord mohg, I will kill any boss you want.
[PSX] H: Talisman (and a few other things) Giveaway! W: Karma
Ps5 W: Cragblade Aow H: karma
🖤🌙 [PSX] [H] Giveaway [W] Karma
ps5 W: good talismans H: Karma
Ps5 W: Starfist H: Stack of runes and Karma
Spiky iron balls
Ps5 W: Spiky iron balls H: Karma, and stack of runes
ps5 W: Runes(i’m 11 levels away from max) H: Karma
Xbox W: 2 billion runes H: +karma
Could someone maybe get me to max level? (Xbox X)
[XB1] [Sm:760k] W: Good weapon (preferably sainters spear upgraded) H: Karma.
[XboX] [Sm:760k] W: Good weapon (preferably sainters spear upgraded) H: Karma.
Can someone give saintiers spear +10
Can someone drop saintiers spear +10